Welcome! I'm so glad you're here.

From a young age, I’ve had a deep reverence for somatic work, rooted in my background as a dancer immersed in yoga and various other healing modalities. My personal healing journey has been the catalyst for my dedication to serving others through this transformative work.

“I know what it means to suffer & I know what it takes to come out on the other side.”

I am an integrative somatic trauma practitioner, holistic health , yoga teacher, personal trainer, meditation and biodynamic breathwork guide, and so much more.

I’ve been in the wellness industry for over a decade. My journey in the world of wellness began as a ballerina and later as a bodybuilder, where I initially believed that health was solely about exercise, nutrient-dense foods, supplements, and herbs.

I’m a former NC state champion and made my way to the national bodybuilding stage after winning multiple 1st place awards. Taking care of my physical body was indeed valuable, but my own healing process and over 10 years of experience as a wellness coach and bodybuilder have reshaped my approach.

In 2019, I stepped away from the bodybuilding stage, realizing that meticulous calorie counting, healthy eating, and daily cardio were not addressing my deeper issues.

My days used to be filled with a rotating carousel of the following symptoms:

Panic attacks
Binge eating
Chronic acne
Chronic neck/ shoulder pain

Body dysmorphia
IBS bloating
Adrenal fatigue
Hormonal imbalances




I know what it means to struggle and feel hopeless. My own suffering propelled me into a profound study and certification in various somatic healing modalities, focusing on getting to the root cause of chronic illness.

Overcoming my own health challenges has led me to where I am today, and I am honored to help others achieve liberation from the issues that keep them stuck. With over 10 years of experience in mind-body integration, my practice is deeply rooted in:

- Nervous System Regulation
- Polyvagal Theory
- Somatic Experiencing
- Vagus nerve Retraining
- Holistic Nutrition and Supplementation

- Strength & Pelvic floor training
- Biodynamic Breathwork
- Yin Yoga
- Movement/ Dance

I offer 1:1 sessions and education centered around somatic trauma resolution and embodiment. My work focuses on the body’s inherent capacity for healing and balance, utilizing the profound connection between the body and the nervous system.

I'm on a mission to...

Empower individuals to unlock their body’s inherent healing wisdom. Through my own transformative journey, I’ve discovered the profound power of somatic therapy to address emotional distress manifesting as physical symptoms (somatization). This is a common experience, and I believe everyone deserves the tools to break free from its hold

My unique approach goes beyond symptom management.
It's about liberation.

Here’s how I can support you:

– Reduce Stress, Anxiety & Depression: Harness the body’s natural healing mechanisms to achieve lasting emotional well-being.

– Release Trauma & Unresolved Emotions: Learn powerful techniques to release the past and move forward with clarity and freedom.

– Navigate Stressful Situations with Ease: Develop resilience and healthy coping mechanisms for everyday challenges.

– Break Free from Destructive Patterns: Identify the root of negative behaviors and create new pathways to success.
– Reprogram Your Nervous System: Rewrite neural pathways shaped by past experiences, fostering lasting positive change.

You'll gain the tools and insights to break free from emotional & physical burdens, cultivate inner peace, and create a more empowered future.

My Coaching Approach

I create a safe and supportive space where you'll feel seen, heard, and empowered.

My approach is built on compassion and personalized for your unique needs. We’ll work together to integrate your beliefs, values, and strengths to cultivate a strong mody mind connection.

Through a combination of top-down (mindset work) and bottom-up (nervous system regulation) tools, we’ll tackle your healing blocks.

I guide you in tuning into your body to get to the root of mindset problems, anxiety, unfullfilement, any unhealthy patterns and I help you reconfigure the neural pathways that have formed due to unresolved emotions from the past.

I believe that stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma are not just conditions to be managed, but opportunities for growth and self-discovery.